Gliders are marsupials. That means that when baby gliders are technically born, they just move from the mother's uterus through an internal tunnel into her pouch. You are generally unaware that this has happened. While inside the pouch, the glider nurses and grows. When the glider full emerges from the pouch and unattached from it's mother's nipple, it is called coming oop. That is used as the birth date.
Joey: a baby sugar glider
Pom: the scrotal sac that hangs from the lower abdomen of a male sugar glider
Suggie: term for a glider
Bra Baby: when a glider is bonded, they can be trained to be a "bra baby." This is when they will just hang out in your shirt without a pouch
Bald Spot: the area on top of a male's head that gets matted down from a scent gland. He is not actually bald!
Preening: cleaning themselves or their human. It's a sign of affection and that they are bonded
Flossing: SOME male sugar gliders will actually masturbate--this is called flossing
Male gliders have a long, forked penises. When intact (unneutered) they may pull their penis through their front teeth. This is called flossing.
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